What is LeRoy’s Boys?
“LeRoy’s Boys” is a financial giving opportunity named in honor of our Founder LeRoy Fairchild. It was born during the 128th Supreme Council Session in Indianapolis. After hearing the reports of the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Trustees, it is clear that the Supreme Council is relying more and more upon the invested funds to cover the shortfall in our annual budget. Ernest Sparks, the Monarch of Zaman Grotto, donated one hundred dollars to augment the Supreme Council’s invested funds. Other Prophets soon began to do the same. The effort was named “LeRoy’s Boys.” At the conclusion of the weekend, 185 Prophets had donated or pledged to the fund.
The opportunity to contribute is being extended to all who wish to donate. It is open to Prophets, Grottoes, Family, Friends, and other interested parties. The funds collected will be invested by our Grand Trustees and only the earnings will be used to help offset the operating costs of the Supreme Council. In return for your gift of $100 or more, you will receive a certificate of appreciation and your name will be published in the Grotto Magazine.
What is The Humanitarian Foundation?
The Grottoes of North America Humanitarian Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that brings “Special Smiles” to children with special needs by providing them much-needed dental care.
The program helps cover the cost of dental treatment and anesthesia costs, whether done in a hospital setting or dental office. We do not cover the hospital costs.

Islam Grotto and Special Olympics PA
Islam Grotto annually participates in the Pittsburgh Polar Plunge and donates to the Special Olympics.
Throughout the year, we continue participation and charity for the Special Olympics.
Robert Lorenz Jr., PM heads the Special Olympics Committee for Islam Grotto.
What is the Enchanted Lantern?
In the early days of the Grotto, members would hang a red railroad lantern in the window to indicate the location of their next meeting. This history of the lantern was not forgotten when, in 1953, the Grottoes adopted the “Enchanted Lantern” as their emblem to represent each contribution of $50 or more.
The annual sale of Enchanted Lanterns to Grotto members has become the backbone of the Humanitarian Foundation’s fund raising efforts for nearly 60 years.
Donations support the Dental Program through the Endowment Program.